- 1879 Atlas
- 1879 County Atlas
- 1914 Atlas
- 2 Stage Ditch Designs
- 2015 Claims
- 2016 Claims
- 2017 Claims
- 2018 Claims
- 2019 Claims
- 2020 Claims
- 2021 Claims
- 2022 Claims
- 2023 Claims
- 2024 Claims
- 911 Communications
The Kosciusko Communications Center handles all radio communications for Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Services in Kosciusko County. It was remodeled in 1999 and in August 2000 it combined with the Warsaw Police Department to become Kosciusko Central Dispatch.
- 911 Information
- AA/NA Meeting Links
- Abatements
- Abstracts
- Accessing the City Network
- Addressing
- Adult Protective Services
- Advisory Board
- Agendas and Minutes
- Annual Reports
- APC Forms
- Appeals
- Application for Services
- Area Plan Commission
- Area Planning Related Forms
- Area Planning
The Kosciusko County APC is responsible for Planning, Zoning, permitting, and Flood Control regulations in the unincorporated areas of the county as well as for the towns of Syracuse, Milford, North Webster, Pierceton, Claypool, Silver Lake, Burket, and Etna Green.
- Around Our County
- Assessor
The County Assessor duties include: identifying, listing and calculating the assessed value of all Real and Personal property.
- Auditor Advertisements
- Auditor
The Auditor is responsible for preparing tax duplicates for all parcels within the county, transfer of real estate, deductions, exemptions, budgets, annual report, accounts payable and payroll. The Auditor is also secretary to the county commissioners and county council.
- Bad Checks
- Beacon Online Mapping
- Beacon
- Blizzard
- Board of Finance
Kosciusko County Board of Finance
- Boards & Commissions
- Breaking News
- Broadband Internet
- Budget Orders
- Business
- Candidate and Ballot Information
- Change of Mailing Address
- Change of Schedule Request [Test Mode]
- Child Support Drivers License Inquiry
- Child Support
The Child Support office deals with paternity duties and establishing and enforcing child support, establishes orders for health insurance where appropriate and regularly deals with other issues related to child support such as modification of support, emancipation questions, locating absent parents, review and adjustment of support orders, support in foster care cases, collection of medical reimbursement for parents and criminal felony nonsupport cases.
- Circuit Court
- Citizen Request Center
- Claims
- Clearly Kosciusko
- Commission on Public Records
- Community Corrections
The Kosciusko County Community Corrections Department serves the Kosciusko Circuit, Superior 1, Superior 2 and Superior 3 Courts.
In case of emergency, contact (574) 265-2484
- Community Links
- Community, Recreation & Discounts
- Council Meeting Information
- County Administration
The County Administrator deals with all County-owned buildings and maintenance.
- County Advertising
- County Board of Zoning Appeals
- County Clerk
Clerk of the Circuit and Superior Court maintains court records, collect court fees, issues marriage license, collects and distributes child support payments, voter registration and conducts Federal, State and Local elections.
- County Commissioners
The three commissioners are the custodians of the home rule powers of the county. Counties have 3 commissioners, one from each district in the county. Within the scope of home rule, commissioners may adopt and vest themselves with additional regulatory powers.
- County Council
The County Council terms are four years with the ability to serve an unlimited number of terms. The County Council has the ultimate decision-making power regarding fiscal affairs. The council has authority to view or review fiscal matters, determine proper policy, and set priorities for the allocation and expenditure of county funds. The General Assembly determines the powers of the county council in this area.
- County Election Board
- County Veterans Service
The County Veterans Service office provides services such as claims for service and non-service connected disabilities, assistance with VMAC hospitals and pharmacies, pensions, VA home loans and information on burial benefits and obtaining medals.
- Court Fees & Costs
- Court Information
The Court Information page will be used to publish Local Rules of the Kosciusko County Courts as well as County Holidays.
- Courts
The Courts are made up of Circuit, Superior #1, #2 and #3. They handle estates, tax sale deeds, trial cases, divorces, small claims, traffic, boating and snowmobile violations and hunting and fishing violations.
- Creating a Document
- Custodial Parent Child Support Action request
- Custodial Parents
- Deductions and Exemptions
List of deductions and exemptions offered by the State.
- Demand Notices
Demand Notices
- Departments
- Disaster Preparedness
- Document Center
- Drainage Board Minutes
Drainage Board Minutes 2011 to Present
- Drainage Board
- Drivers License Suspensions
Describes the child support Drivers license Suspension Program.
- Drug Court
- Drug Testing Information
- E-Filing
- E-Recording
- Early Voting
- Election Results
- Emergency Management
- Emergency Operation Center
- Emergency Travel Status
- Employee Information
- Employer Information
- Employers
- Employment & Education
- Employment Application
- Events Calendar
- Facebook Page
- FAQ's
- Fee Payments
- Fee Schedule
- Finances & Compensation
- Finding Documents
- Flood Plain Info
- Floods
- Form 22's
- Forms
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Genealogy Request Form
- GIS Data & Services
GIS is short for Geographic Information System. The Kosciusko County GIS Department manages the County's Geographic Information System.
- Government Lots Index and Township pages
Government Lots
- Government
- Health Department
The Health Department is responsible for birth and death certificates, septic and well permits, restaurant permits and inspections, trash and rubbish complaints, immunization information and septic and well inspections.
- Highway
The Kosciusko County Highway Department is responsible for the maintenance of all roads that the Kosciusko County Board of Commissioners has accepted into the County Highway Maintenance System, driveway permits, bridge and culvert repair and snow removal.
- Historical Information
- Home Detention
- Hoosier Homes
- Housing
- Human Resources
The Human Resource Department is responsible for all county employment, insurance and benefits.
- I Want To...
- I'm a Survivor/Next of Kin (My Veteran has passed away)
- I'm a Veteran
- I'm Active Duty, National Guard or a Reservist
- I'm related to/caring for a Veteran
- Image Gallery
- Improvement Location Permits
- Indiana State Benefits
- Information on Payments
Information on Payments
- Infraction Deferral Program
- Innkeeper Tax Info
- Interstate Child Support
- Job Postings
- Juror Information
- Justice System
- KCCRVC Commission
- Kosciusko County Community Corrections Contact Us
- Kosciusko County HELP Program
- Kosciusko County Taxes
- Lake-Level Data
- Leaps and Bounds
Leaps and Bounds
- Links
Helpful Links
- Locations
- Mailing Address Change
- Map & Geographic Data
- Map Library
Welcome to the Kosciusko County Map Library. The maps we have in this area of the website are in PDF format. They can be viewed and printed. See the Beacon interactive GIS mapping system for more information.
- Maps
- Marriage Licenses
- Meeting Information
- Mobile Home Transfer Permits
Information provided on mobile homes. Process for receiving a Mobile Home Transfer Permit. Assessment information.
- News & Notices
- Non-Custodial Parent Child Support Request Form
- Non-Custodial Parents
- Not-For-Profit Exemptions
- Notice of Appeal
- Notification of Proposed Utility Installation Printable Form
Notification of Proposed Utility Installation
- Online Records Search
- Online Services
- Ordinances & Resolutions
- Ordinances and Planning Documents
- Original Gov. Survey Field Notes
- Other
- Parks & Recreation Board
Kosciusko County Parks & Recreation Board
- Passports
- Payment Options
There are several payment options including:
1. Pay in person with cash, check or debit/credit card.
2. Pay by mail.
3. Pay at participating local banks.
4. Pay online.
- Permits
- Personal Property
- Planning & Roads
- Planning Initiatives
- Poll Worker Training and Information
Kosciusko County Election Board will provide necessary training information and future training videos for the poll workers of Kosciusko County.
- Pre-Trial Diversion Program
- Precinct Maps
- Preparedness Kits
- Probation Fees
- Probation Useful Linkes
- Probation
The Kosciusko County Probation Department serves the Kosciusko Circuit, Superior 1, Superior 2, and Superior 3 Courts.
- Property Tax Assessment BOA
- Property Tax Info & Forms
- Prosecutor
The Prosecutor's office deals with prosecuting cases and enforcement of court-ordered child support.
- Public Information
- Public Meetings
- Public Records Request FOR CLERK'S OFFICE ONLY
- Public Records
- Public Safety
- Purdue Extension Office
The Cooperative Extension Service is one of the nation's largest providers of scientific research-based information and education. It's a network of colleges, universities, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, serving communities and counties across America. The Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service program areas are:
Agriculture and Natural Resources,
Health and Human Sciences,
Economic and Community Development and
4-H Youth Development
- Real Estate
- Reconstruction Petition Printable Form
Reconstruction Petition
- Recorder
The County Recorders office is responsible for many different duties including;
*Recording and maintaining land records
*Recording miscellaneous documents such as: military discharge (DD214), public official's bonds, federal tax liens,
mechanics liens, assumed business names and sewer liens
*Recording UCC fixture instruments
- Records/DD214/Medical/Service Records
- Redevelopment Commission
The duties of the Redevelopment Commission are to investigate, survey and study areas in the County that need redevelopment within their jurisdiction. They are to combat the factors causing an area to need redevelopment and prepare redevelopment and economic development plans. They may designate tax increment allocation areas and acquire and dispose of personal property or real property.
- Refunds/Surplus
Surplus refunds application information.
- Related Pages
- Request to Combine Real Estate Parcels
- Requesting DD214/Records
- Retired Veterans
- Return to County Clerk
- Sales Disclosures
- SARA Title III
- Section Corner Book
- Section Corner Field Books
Field Books
- Section Corner State Coordinates
- Section Corners "UNREFERENCED"
- Section Corners on Beacon Web Site
- Self-Help Legal Forms
Link to Indiana Self Help Site
- Services Index
- Severe Thunderstorms
- Sheriff Sales
SRI, INC handles all Sheriff Sales (foreclosure properties) for Kosciusko County.
- Sheriff's Office
The Kosciusko County Sheriff's Office is a full service law enforcement agency. Sheriff Jim Smith oversees a staff of over 100 employees in the patrol, corrections, civil process, communications, court security, investigations and administrative divisions.
- Smart 911
- Soil & Water
Kosciusko County Soil and Water Conservation District is a local unit of state government responsible for the conservation and development of local soil, water and related natural resources through education, public information, leadership, technical assistance, cost-share and innovative programs. It is governed by a board of supervisors who are Kosciusko County residents.
- Staff Directory
- Superior Court 1
- Superior Court 2
- Superior Court 3
- Superior Court 4
- Survey Record Books
- Surveyor List
Surveyor List
- Surveyor
The Surveyor's office is responsible to establish, re-establish, maintain and reference all original government section corners and to maintain records related to these corners. The Surveyor is also responsible to maintain legal survey record books, manage the construction, reconstruction, vacation and maintenance of all regulated drains and proposed regulated drains.
- Syracuse Board of Zoning Appeals
- Systems Administration
The Systems Administration Department provides technology and computer solutions to county offices.
- Tax Rates
- Tax Sales
- Teen Court
- Tier II Report
- Tornadoes
- Traffic Tickets
- Treasurer
The Treasurer's office is responsible for collecting all taxes for the county. The office is also responsible for mobile home/transfer permits, tax clearances and the renewal of alcoholic beverage licenses.
- Trending
- Upcoming Events
- Using MS Word
- Using Social Media
- VA Information
- VA Service-Connected Disability
- Veteran Benefit Myths
We honor, remember & thank the men and women who serve in the military.
We support the families of service members who have died as a result of their military service.
We teach the next generation to show gratitude and respect those who have worn the uniform.
- Victims Assistance
- Volunteers
- Vote Centers
- Voter Registration Information
- Voting & Elections
Election made up of:
Primary Election:
Indiana conducts their primary elections on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May.
General Election:
Indiana conducts their general elections on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
You may vote in the general election if you didn't vote in the primary election.
- Weather Alert Radios
- Weather
- Web Link
- What a VSO is and isn't
- When We Meet