Property Tax Info & Forms
Property taxes in Kosciusko County will be due May 10, 2024 and November 12, 2024. Payments may be made in person at the Treasurer's Office located in the Courthouse at 100 W Center Street, 2nd Floor Warsaw, In 46580. There is a ground level entrance on the west side of the Courthouse with access to the elevator to take taxpayers to the second floor. A drop box for payments is also available during the Spring and Fall tax collections on the West side of the old Courthouse at the handicapped entrance.
Payment options are cash, check or money order. Debit and credit cards are taken in the office but require an additional convenience fee.
If payments are mailed, they should be sent to Kosciusko County Treasurer, PO Box 1764, Warsaw, IN 46581. Spring payments must be postmarked by May 10, 2024. Fall payments must be postmarked by November 12, 2024. If you are mailing your payment on the due date we strongly suggest that you take the envelope inside the post office and have it hand cancelled. Payments received with a post mark after due dates are subject to penalties.
Taxes may be paid at all Lake City Bank branches, with the original tax bill and no prior delinquencies.
Taxpayers with questions about their tax bills may contact the Kosciusko County Treasurer's Office at 1-574-372-2370.