County Council

Kosciusko County Council is made up of:

Kim Cates

Mike Long

Tony Ciriello

Kim Cates


[email protected]

District 1

Term 2022-2026

Mike Long


[email protected]

District 2

Term 2022-2026

Tony Ciriello


[email protected]

District 3 & President

Term 2022-2026

Dave Wolkins

Racheal Rhoades

DeLynn Geiger

Kathy Groninger

Dave Wolkins


[email protected]

District 4

Term 2022-2026


Racheal Rhoades

[email protected]

At Large

Term 2025-2029


DeLynn Geiger


[email protected]

At Large

Term 2025-2029


Kathy Groninger


[email protected]

 At Large & Vice President

Term 2025-2029



Click here for YouTube channel

Click here for Resolution for Decorum in Public Meetings Policies and Procedures

Click here for Resolution of Electronic Meeting Policy

Terms are four years with the ability to serve an unlimited number of terms. The County Council has the ultimate decision-making power regarding fiscal affairs.  The council has authority to view or review fiscal matters, determine proper policy, and set priorities for the allocation and expenditure of county funds.  The General Assembly determines the powers of the county council in this area. Typically these powers include.

  • Approving and fixing annual operating budgets of all county government offices and agencies.
  • Establishing salaries, wages, per diems, and other compensation for all county officials and employees.
  • Fixing tax rates and establishing levies on all county property for the purpose of raising funds to meet budget requirements in conducting county business as well as authorizing the borrowing of money in the form of bonds and notes.
  • Appropriating public funds, i.e., authorizing the expenditure of county money by particular officials or departments for specific purposes.
  • Authorizing certain purchases or sales of county owned land.
  • Non-binding review of budgets for certain non-elected boards in the county and other civil units.
  • Makes various appointments to boards including but not limited to the following:
    • Kosciusko County Convention and Visitors Commission
    • Various Library Boards